Cudahy Hall 101: MSSC General Computing Lab

This lab features 30 PCs. It also houses an HP Laserjet 5M for students to print out their work and a projector for instructors and/or teaching assistants to do brief presentations. Each PC is equipped with a 17” LCD monitor. This lab is designed to be the working lab for students of the introductory courses, including COSC 1000, COSC 1010, COSC 1020, but is accessible to all undergraduate and graduate students who have a valid MSSC account. Programming tutors are assigned here during the school term.

Cudahy Hall 145: MSSC Interactive Classroom for Math Education

This lab is the teaching Education classroom. It houses a number of PCs and an HP Laserjet printer.

Cudahy Hall 301: Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp) Lab

This lab provides support for developing ubiquitous computing/pervasive computing applications and services. This lab is equipped with high end IBM PCs, Sun work stations and Hand held devices, which have both wired and wireless networks. It has a test bed of Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), Smart Phones and Sensors with ad hoc short-range wireless network for developing ubicomp applications and middleware services. It has also all necessary software development tools and emulation environments. The ubicomp lab focuses to enhancing the educational and research interests of students and faculty in ubiquitous computing/pervasive computing.

Cudahy Hall 301 B: Database Lab

The database lab provides infrastructure for enhancing the educational and research activities of students and faculty interested in database theory and applications.

Cudahy Hall 310: Systems Lab / General Computer Lab

The Systems Lab, which is located on the west side of the room, contains specialized infrastructure for studying hardware systems and operating systems. A variety of 32-bit PowerPC G3's, G4's and a 64-bit G5 XServe allow students to explore the complexity of modern computer architectures, while the laboratory configuration allows students to build an operating system on a real hardware platform. In addition, this lab features dual-head Linux workstations for general-purpose usage. The General Computer Lab, which is located on the east side of the room, features 12 PCs running Windows XP. It also houses an HP Laserjet 4250tn for students to print out their work. Each PC is equipped with a 17” LCD monitor. This lab is designed to be the working lab for students of advanced classes; however, it is accessible to all students who have a valid MSSC account.

Cudahy Hall 368: Biomathematics and Bioinformatics Lab

The BCL provides a centralized physical location for the department's various teaching and research activities in Biomathematics and Bioinformatics.

Cudahy Hall 392: High Performance Computing Lab

The High Performance Computing Lab provides support for the educational and research interests of students and faculty in parallel computing, high performance parallel and distributed systems, and energy efficient computing. The lab is equipped with a 72-core computer cluster, which supports various parallel programming paradigms and high performance I/O systems.

Cudahy Hall 410: Networks Lab

This lab is designed for Computer Network classes, including MSSC 6310 and COSC 3300. It contains a number of machines used to experiment with networking protocols.

Cudahy Hall 412: MSSC Interactive Classroom

This lab, opened in 1997, is equipped with 33 PCs giving instructors the chance to truly teach things hands on.