Gaining Access to MSDN Software

To , your username is your mscs email address. The email address must be entered in the form of Email addresses in the form of or are not valid. Your initial password was sent to your mscs email account when your account was generated. You can change your password by doing the following steps:

  1. Go to .
  2. Log in by using your username and your old password.
  3. After you log in, click MY PROFILE button on the left.
  4. Click Change my password.
  5. Type your old password, new password. Then click Submit button.
  6. You will get a confirmation email in your mscs email account.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

What is the MSDN Academic Alliance?

The MSDN Academic Alliance (MSDNAA) is an annual membership program for technical departments in the area of computer science, engineering and information systems. As a member, MSCS department receives an MSDNAA subscription for the Microsoft platform, servers, and developer tools software. This software may be installed on any number of departmental lab machines. The software must be used for instructional and research purposes. In addition, the department's faculty, staff, students taking at least one credit course offered by the MSCS department may check-out or download the software to install on their personal computers.

The two primary reasons that the department registered in this program are:

  1. To make it easier and less expensive for you to obtain Microsoft developer tools, platforms, and servers for instructional and research purposes
  2. Build a community of instructors who can share curriculum and other learning resources to support the use of these technologies.

How do I know whether I am eligible?

If you have an ACTIVE MSCS account, you should be able to benefit from this program. If you don’t have a MSCS account, you need to contact your professor about having an account setup for you.

What is ELMS?

The e-academy License Management System (ELMS) is a comprehensive solution for departments engaged in the lifecycle management of software assets on campus. As the MSDNAA member, there is no charge for accessing to ELMS for automated distribution of software and product keys.

What should I do if I never knew, or have forgotten my password?

You can check the account information you received when your mscs account was first created. If you changed your MSCS MSDNAA password, no longer have or never received the original account information, you can do the following steps to check your MSCS MSDNAA password:

  1. Click LOG IN button on the left.
  2. Enter your username. Your username is always your mscs email address.
  3. In Login help, click the button in I've forgotten my password! section for a reminder.
  4. Check your mscs email to get your account information.

If you fail to receive your password by email after following the above steps, please contact your system administrator.

How can I get software?

First you go to  . You must login before you are able to get the software.  To login go the “My Account” and use your Ӱ e-mail address and e-mail password to login. Once logged please select “Go to the portal”, once you have connected to the Microsoft Azure portal, in the search box enter “education” (choose education preview).  Then click the “software” button.  A list of available downloads will appear and you can follow the directions to download and obtain a key if required.

What software can I currently check out?

Currently, you can check out the following software:

  • Exchange Server 2000 Enterprise Edition
  • Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
  • Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition
  • InfoPath 2003
  • Map Point 2004 North American
  • Microsoft Office Access 2003
  • Microsoft Office InfoPath 2003
  • Microsoft Office OneNote 2003
  • Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 (check-out only)
  • Microsoft Office Project Professional 2003
  • Microsoft Office Project Server 2003
  • Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2003
  • Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 (check-out only)
  • MSDN Library - April 2003 (Full)
  • MSDN Subscriptions Library (Full)
  • MSDN Library 6.0a (Full)
  • OneNote 2003
  • Project Professional 2002 (Single-User)
  • SharePoint Portal Server 2001 with Service Pack2A
  • SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition
  • SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition
  • SQL Server Service Pack 3a
  • Systems Management Server 2.0 with Service Pack2
  • Visio Professional 2002 SR-1
  • Visual J# .NET
  • Visual Studio .NET 2003 Professional (Full)
  • Visual Studio 6 Pro (Full)
  • Visual Studio 6 SP 5
  • Windows 2000 Professional
  • Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
  • Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
  • Windows Services for UNIX 3.0
  • Windows Vista Business
  • Windows XP Professional (Single-User)
  • Windows XP Professional SP 1 (Service Pack Only)
  • Windows XP Service Pack 2

The above list will be updated irregularly. Please come back to check the recently updated software available for check out.

What software can I currently download from the MSDN Academic Alliance?

Currently, you can download the following software from Internet:

  • Access 2003
  • Access 2007
  • Amberpoint Express for Visual Studio 2005 Beta
  • Exchange Server 2000 Enterprise Edition
  • Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
  • Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition
  • InfoPath 2003
  • InfoPath 2007
  • Map Point 2004 North American
  • MSDN Library for Visual Studio .NET- January 2004 (Full)
  • MSDN Library - April 2003 (Full)
  • MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2005 (Full)
  • MSDN Subscriptions Library (Full)
  • OneNote 2003
  • OneNote 2007
  • Project Professional 2002 (Single-User)
  • Project Professional 2003
  • Project Professional 2007
  • Project Server 2003
  • SharePoint Portal Server 2001
  • SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition
  • SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition
  • SQL Server 2000 SP 3
  • SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition
  • Systems Management Server 2003
  • Virtual PC 2004
  • Visio Professional 2002 (Single-User)
  • Visio Professional 2002 SR-1
  • Visio Professional 2003
  • Visio Professional 2007
  • Visual J# .NET
  • Visual Studio .NET 2003 Professional (Full)
  • Visual Studio .NET 2003 Professional Prerequisites
  • Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition
  • Windows 2000 Professional
  • Windows CE .NET 4.2
  • Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
  • Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition
  • Windows Services for UNIX 3.0
  • Windows Vista Business
  • Windows XP Professional (Single-User)
  • Windows XP Professional (Single-User) 64bit Edition
  • Windows XP Professional with SP2 (Single-User) ISO Image

The above list will be updated irregularly. Please come back to check the recently updated software available for download.

What software can I currently purchase and what is the cost?

Currently, you can purchase the following software:

  • Project Professional 2002 (Single-User) ($6.15 media + S & H)
  • Visio Professional 2002 (Single User) ($6.15 media + S & H)
  • Visual Studio .NET 2003 Professional (Full) ($12.45 media + S & H)
  • Windows XP Professional (Single User) ($6.15 media + S & H)

Each software includes one CD. The license gives you the right to install the product on one computer.

When a student purchases a product under this program, the product becomes the property of the student. The product will not terminate or expire simply by virtue of the termination, suspension or other interruption of the student's status as an enrolled student.

Each student is limited to ONE copy of each product.

The above list will be updated irregularly. Please come back to check the recently updated software available for purchase.

Can I install my software on two computers at once?

No, you are limited to one installation only. If you have more than one computer i.e. home computer and laptop or work computer, you will need to choose on which one you'd like the use the software. Keep in mind as well that friends, family and colleagues who are not enrolled in a course in a department that subscribes to the MSDNAA Program are not allowed to access or use the software available from this website.

I have a new computer now, how can I re-install my software?

You must contact your program administrator in order to re-install.

If my download times out or I get disconnected, how do I continue my software download and installation?

If you were in the middle of downloading the software itself, there will be a shortcut icon saved on your desktop that will allow you to resume your download. Double-click on the icon to begin again. If you don't see the shortcut icon on your computer desktop, you can use the "Request Re-Install" function in the support section.

What should I do if I don't receive an email containing the serial number for the software?

If your software requires a serial number and you do not receive a confirmation email containing the serial number for the software, log in to your MSDN account and click on "my software." You will see a complete list of the software you have downloaded/checked out. To retrieve the serial number click on the link next to the name of the software you want to install.