ESLP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Who may take ESLP courses?
The ESLP courses are open to all full-time, degree students enrolled at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ. Part-time and non-degree students at Marquette are also eligible to enroll in ESLP courses under certain circumstances. Before enrolling in any ESLP course, students must take the appropriate English language placement test. The results of this test are used to advise students about any ESLP courses that would be useful for their individual levels of ability and that would best fit their course of study.
Undergraduate F-1 students who are required to take the English Language Placement Test (EPT) at the time of their acceptance to Marquette are required to take the ESLP courses into which they test. They are encouraged to begin their courses immediately. All other students who take the English language placement test are recommended and encouraged to take the ESLP courses.
Why take ESLP courses?
More English language study at the beginning of university enrollment can make a student's future studies and life easier, more enjoyable and more successful. Stronger English language skills are very useful for students to better understand their professors, accomplish homework more quickly, earn better grades, make more friends, win more financial awards, enter more advanced degree programs, and receive more job opportunities during their studies and after graduation.
How are Marquette's ESL courses different from other ESL courses I have already taken?
The ESL courses at Marquette are academically and intellectually challenging courses. Although they are ESL courses, they are academic credit courses, which are conducted just like any other academic courses you take here at the university. These courses are likely more intensive and more demanding than other English courses that you have taken before. We will cover a lot of in-depth information and will cover materials more quickly than you may be used to.
We also formally assess our students' learning at the end of our ESL courses. Information on our students' learning is included in the university-wide assessment of student learning: ESL Program learning outcomes.
Do ESLP courses count toward graduation?
Up to six credits of ESLP course work may count toward the fulfillment of undergraduate degree requirements in all colleges except the College of Engineering. ESLP course work counts towards the grade-point average and in the official course load of graduate and undergraduate students. International exchange students are asked to consult with their home institutions to determine whether ESLP courses will be eligible for credit.
What's the underlying teaching philosophy of the ESLP courses?
The ESLP courses use the communicative approach to language learning, are academic in nature, use authentic materials and tasks, are student-centered, use integrative skills, and maintain high academic standards. The courses empower students to be independent learners by training them to identify their own problems and to employ effective strategies to address them.