If you are a current physical therapy student at 蜜桃影像, utilize to visit the Teams page and view current events and resources. You must be logged into your Marquette account and a current pre-professional or professional phase student to access this page.
Volunteer Opportunities:
ComMUnity Clinic
Neuro Exercise Class
Go Baby Go
Pediatric Neuro Recovery Clinic Volunteer
Honor Flight
Adaptive Abilities Club
Purpose: Student-led clinic that provides free physical therapy services to community members without health insurance
Application Timeframe/Process: Fall of Professional Year-1 year, commitment through Fall of Professional Year-3
Time Commitment: 2-3 hours/week in the evening
Leadership Opportunities: Clinic e-board leader in Spring of Pro-2 year through Fall of Pro-3 year
Benefits: Develop clinical skills prior to initial clinical experiences, develop relationships with other PT cohorts, additional experience on resume for jobs and scholarships.
Purpose: Build community within the Milwaukee neurologic population and challenge their activity to best benefit their needs
Application Timeframe/Process: Dr. Bridget McDermott, PT, DPT, NCS will each out to all classes via email, no application needed, limited number of spots. Email her at bridget.mcdermott@marquette.edu with any questions.
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours/ week
Leadership Opportunities: Weekly group leader
Benefit: Hands on experience with different neurological diagnoses such as post- CVA, TBI, MS, and Parkinson's
Purpose: Attend fittings for adaptive ride-on cars for kids ages 1-5. Your main role is helping PT's and OT's fit these cars by taking notes, directing families to the correct location, playing with siblings, and more. More information can be found
Application timeframe/process: No application necessary! Email Lucia Jones (lucia.jones@marquette.edu) to join the GroupMe to sign up and colunteer. Opportunities are on a first come first serve basis.
Time commitment: At most 4 hours per month. Fittings are one Sunday morning a month. Each volunteer is encouraged to sign up for one or two 2-hour time slots per semester.
Leadership opportunities: Volunteer coordinator position at the end of Pro-1 year through start of Pro-3 year.
Benefits: Students get to be a part of the genuine joy kids and families experience when driving a car built just for them! Volunteers also get to see unique aspects of pediatric therapy firsthand and get experience with interdisciplinary work with OT and engineering students. All volunteering is on campus.
Purpose: Assist Anne Pleva is treating children in the Pediatric Neuro Recovery Clinic (SC 397)
Application timeframe/process: Contact Elise.kratkoczki@marquette.edu. Elise is the pediatric clinic volunteer organizer. She pairs a student with Anne and a patient for the semester. We also have opportunities to do bike riding activities with patients and caregivers.
Time commitment: 1 hour/week
Leadership opportunities: May become a future volunteer coordinator
Benefits: Observe pediatric PT, learn and assist in pediatric treatment strategies, get to know a child with disability and their family.
Purpose: Honor Flight is a non-profit that flies veterans to visit their respective memorials in Washington DC.
Application Timeframe/Process: You will receive an email with a form to sign up for the volunteer dates/times that you would like. There is usually one volunteer date per month.
Time Commitment: You can sign up for as many volunteer dates as you like.
Benefit: As an SPT volunteer, it is a great opportunity to both practice your PT skills with wheelchair management and transferring along with showing appreciation and gratitude to our military veterans.
Purpose: Service based group of volunteers that partners with local adaptive sports organizations to give children and adults with disabilities the opportunity to participate in various sporting activities.
Application Timeframe/Process: You can join at any time during the school year or Summer! We do have a full-club meeting at the beginning of each semester, though, so it may be beneficial to sign up around then to see what we have to offer! Contacting our club email (adaptiveabilities@gmail.com) or one of our eboard members is an easy way to get involved!
Time Commitment: There are no 鈥渞equired鈥 hours with this club, you are able to sign up for as many or as little events as you feel comfortable with. A typical event is usually a few hours if you were to sign up. Additionally, some of our events require a separate training session, so based on the event more dedicated hours may be involved.
Benefit: Connecting with volunteers and participants alike, along with getting hands-on experience with a variety of diagnoses across the lifespan. This is also great exposure to adaptive equipment and the communication skills required to effectively support each participant. Lastly, the hours spent volunteering with Adaptive Abilities can develop transferable skills to one鈥檚 future career in healthcare!
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours/week (increased for events)
Leadership Opportunities: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations
Benefit: Gain leadership experience, build relationships with students, faculty, and staff
Purpose: enjoy a fun night of games and food with your friends, classmates and professors
Application timeframe/process: planning starts the summer before the Olympics, event usually lasts 3-4 hours
Time commitment: couple hours a week leading up to the Olympics, biggest thing is ordering the shirts and buying the food
Leadership opportunities: PT council VP is in charge of organizing the Olympics
Benefits: super fun night! Meet more of your classmates!
Application Timeframe/Process: Public Relations officer will reach via email after he/she has been elected around the end of November
Time Commitment: 1 hour/ week
Benefits: Learn how to collaborate as a team to develop ways to increase engagement among current students, alumni, faculty, and more. Follow us:
Purpose: Facilitate, communicate, and lead overall class well-being and structure
Application Timeframe/Process: Fall of pro-1 year, commitment through entire time with MUPT
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours/week, increased hours with certain commitments
Benefit: Develop leadership and communication skills with peers and faculty to take into clinical rotations and future careers
Committees and Other Events:
Marquette Health Professions Career Fair Committee
Massage a Thon
Pinning Ceremony
Senior Farewell
Graduation Committee
Marquette Challenge
Purpose: Bring employers from around the country to Marquette to help health professional students network and learn more about what different career settings may offer
Application Timeframe/Process: Committee ranking process in Fall of pro-2 year
Time Commitment: 1 hour meeting during lunch every 3-4 weeks and ~2-3 hours of outside work per month
Leadership Opportunities: 2 Committee Head positions available from Fall of pro-2 to Fall of pro-3
Benefits: Develop communication skills and begin networking and building relationships with potential employers, additional service/experience on resume
Application Timeframe/Process: committees assigned in summer of DPT 4 summer, committee groupchat made after committee assignment
Time Commitment: Meet 2-3 times before and during event to ensure all is running smoothly, 2-3 30 minute meetings throughout the semester for updates and preparation
Leadership Opportunities: 2-3 heads of the committee, heads must be available to fill in during MAT
Benefits: practice hands on skills and improve leadership skills
Purpose: To plan & organize your class鈥檚 pinning and white coat ceremony
Leadership Opportunities: Committee head and/or leading the subcommittees (e.g. media, planning flow of ceremony, ordering items)
Time Commitment: ~1 year with various goals throughout and there is a guideline to the time frame (i.e. when invites get sent out, white coats ordered, finding photographers/singers/piano player, etc)
Benefit: event organization skills
Purpose: Create a celebration show at the Annex that captures our time as MUPT students with skits and videos.
Application Timeframe/Process: During pro-2 year, there is a survey sent out where students can choose which committee they want to be a part of.
Time Commitment: Dependent on committee heads, but the planning process starts in pro-2 spring semester. Then, meet over the summer and meet regularly in pro-3 fall semester. Filming depends on schedule of committee.
Leadership Opportunities: Co-heads of the Senior Farewell Committee
Benefit: Develop collaboration and planning skills, exercise creativity, add a creative, organizational experience to resume.
Purpose: Help plan and organize your classes graduation
Application timeframe/process: summer of pro-1 year - 2 heads are chosen by class Pres and VP a week or two after committees are formed (committees formed by ranking process)
Time commitment: for the committee, a couple hours throughout the semester and at the end of the year with set up. For the heads, it鈥檚 a pretty big commitment (touring venues, finalizing menu, coordinating with venue and PT office- spread out over a year and a half)
Leadership opportunities: 2 people from the committee are chosen to be in charge and assign subgroups, pick and tour the venues, and plan the food for graduation
Benefits: you get to make sure your graduation is nice, develop planning skills, time management skills, budgeting and interpersonal skills
Purpose: Raise money to support the foundation for physical therapy research- the only nonprofit organization that funds solely PT research! This is a national level challenge that over 50 PT and PTA schools participate in.
Application Timeframe/Process: If interested each out to Dr. Capin or Dr. Schindler-Ivens
Time Commitment: Less than 1 hour a week. Year 4 - plan a fundraiser for the Marquette community to support the foundation. Year 5 - run the fundraiser in the beginning of the year and transition to planning the national level events for the Challenge at the end of the year. Year 6 - help plan and run national events and go to CSM to represent the Challenge
Leadership Opportunities: 2 heads of Marquette鈥檚 own Challenge
Benefits: learn about physical therapy research and fundraising; meet students, faculty, and PTs from around the country; opportunity to participate in PT conferences and represent Marquette and the Challenge at a national level