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Johnston Hall, 514
MilwaukeeWI53201United States of America(414) 288-6357(414) 288-3923 (FAX)jean.grow@marquette.eduCurriculum VitaePh.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison (2001)
M.A. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (1996)
B.F.A. The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (1983)
ADVE 1400 Advertising Principles
ADVE 3000 Research and Account and Planning
ADVE 3400 Advertising Copywriting
ADVE 4997 Advertising Campaigns
ADPR 4600 International Advertising and Public Relations
ADPR 4953 Gender and Race in Advertising: From the Inside-Out
ADPR 6600 Integrated IMC Campaigns: Merging Theory with Practice
COMM 3900 Ethical Problems in Mass Communication
Teaching blog: Ethical Action
Professional blog: Grow Cultural Geography
Other Research Interests
Gender and diversity issues in advertising
Semiotics and ethnography
Academic Experience
Ӱ, Strategic Communication
2016-present, Full Professor
2017-2018, Chair (stepped down fall 2018)
2009-2017, Director Fine Arts Program
2009-2016, Associate Professor
2000-2009, Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Communication
1999-2000, Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Mass Communication
1996-1999, Teaching Assistant
Administrative Experience
Ӱ, Chair Strategic Communication: fall 2017-2018, stepped down fall 2018
Chair of Strategic Communication, leading 10 faculty and over 25 adjuncts, with two programs (Ad and PR) and one shared program (Corp. Comm.) including approximately 500 declared majors and 200 declared minors. Initial initiatives focusing on industry integration, faculty mentoring and curricular enhancement.
Ӱ, Director Fine Arts Program: 2009-spring 2017
Program Director, leading a cross-institutional collaboration with Milwaukee School of Art and Design offering a Fine Arts minor to Marquette students. The program was reinvigorated through curricular redesign, expanded collaborative opportunities and promotion, leading to quadrupling of enrollment in four years.
Industry Experience
Grow Cultural Geography: 1994-present
Branding Consultant: contextualizing cultural insights with clients such as: Nike (women’s advertising retrospective), National Hemophilia Foundation (women’s brand development), Flamingo International, London (semiotic brand category analysis) Coalesce Marketing & Design (brand launch), Kimberly-Clark (creative), Neuroscience Group of Northeast Wisconsin (strategic planning), and Thrivent (creative).
Apple Photography Group: 1991-1993
Director of Marketing: led marketing communications, client development, and project management. Clients included: Kimberly-Clark, Sargento Foods, and Thrivent.
Jean Grow Represents: 1985-1990
Advertising Artist Representative: led sales and marketing services for commercial illustrators, photographers and film. Corporate clients included: Coca-Cola USA, Jim Beam Brands, Kellogg USA, and Zenith. Advertising agency clients included: BBDO, DDB, FCB, J. Walter Thompson, and Leo Burnett.
Jean Grow Fashionable Fibers: 1982-1985
Fashion Designer: designed hand-woven fabrics crafted into a line of clothing for professional women. Clients included: Bloomingdales, Macy’s, and Saks Fifth Avenue.
American Academy of Advertising
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Topics: gender and diversity in the advertising industry.
Methods: ethnography, semiotics & depth interviews.
, program leader, summer 2010, 2012 & 2014
University of Modena-Reggio Emilia, Italy, Visiting Professor, spring 2013
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona Spain, guest lecturer, summer 2011
University of Michigan, Rome Italy, guest lecturer, summer 2011
In Revision
Under Review
Grow, Jean M. and Tao Deng, “Times Up Advertising: Women (in) Advertising Creative Departments,” Gender, Work and Organizations.
Mensa, Marta and Jean M. Grow, “Mexican Creative Women: Breaking Barriers to Entry,” European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
Refereed Journals & Book Chapters
Deng, Tao and Jean M. Grow (2018), “Red Books Reveals Gender Segregation in Advertising Creative Departments Worldwide: A Five-Year Longitudinal Study,” Advertising & Society Quarterly.
Grow, Jean M. (2018), “Diversity and Inclusion in Advertising: Hispanic Perspectives," Advertising & Society Quarterly.
Grow, Jean M. & Shiyu Yang (2018), “Generation Z Enters Advertising: Workplace Expectations Through a Gendered Lens,” Journal of Advertising Education, 22/1, p. 7-22.
Mensa, Marta and Jean M. Grow, (2015), “Creative Women in Peru: Outliers in a Machismo World,” Communication & Society, 28/2, online.
Grow, Jean M. and Tao Deng (2014), “Sex Segregation in Advertising Creative Departments Across the Globe,” Advertising & Society Review, 14/4, online.
Grow, Jean M., David Roca and Sheri J. Broyles (2012), “Vanishing Acts: Creative Women in Spain and the United States,” International Journal of Advertising, 31/3.
Grow, Jean M. and Sheri J. Broyles (2011), “Unspoken Rule of the Creative Game: Insights to Shape the Next Generation from Top Advertising Creative Women,” Advertising & Society Review 12/1, online.
Park, Jin Seong and Jean M. Grow, (2010) “Symptom Information in Direct-to-Consumer Antidepressant Advertising and College Students’ Perception of the Lifetime Risk of Depression,” Journal of Medical Marketing, 10/2, 123-33.
Grow, Jean M. (2009), “The Gender of Branding: Early Nike Women’s Advertising a Feminist Antenarrative” Women’s Studies in Communication, 31/3, 310-343.
Grow, Jean M. and Stephanie Christopher (2008), “Breaking the Silence Surrounding Hepatitis C by Promoting Self-Efficacy: Hepatitis C Public Service Announcements,” Qualitative Health Research, 18/10, 1401-1412.
Broyles, Sheri J. and Jean M. Grow (2008), “Creative Women in Advertising Agencies:
Why so Few ‘Babes in Boyland’,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 15/1, 4-6.
Park, Jin Seong and Jean M. Grow (2008), “The Social Reality of Depression: DTC Advertising of Antidepressants and Perceptions of Prevalence,” Journal of Business Ethics, 79/4, 379-393.
Grow, Jean M. (2006), “Stories of Community: The First Ten Years of Nike Women’s Advertising,” American Journal of Semiotics, 22/1-4, 165-194.
Grow, Jean M., Jin Seong Park and Xiaoqi Han (2006), “Your Life is Waiting: Symbolic Meanings in Direct-to-Consumer Antidepressant Advertising,” Journal of Communication Inquiry, 30/2, 163-188.
Grow, Jean M. and Joyce M. Wolburg (2006), “Selling Truth: How Nike’s Advertising to Women Claimed a Contested Reality,” Advertising & Society Review, 7/2, online. Third most viewed article in 2007.
Grow, Jean M. and Joyce M. Wolburg (2005), “Service Learning Across the Curriculum: A Collaboration to Promote Smoking Cessation,” Journal of Advertising Education, 9/1, 5-18.
Grow-von Dorn, Jean M., and Irina Akimova (1998), “Advertising in Ukraine: Cultural Perspectives,” International Journal of Advertising, 17/5, 189-211.
Peer Reviewed Books and Chapters
Grow, Jean M., (2017), “Exploring Gender Bias: Anglo-American Echoes in Swedish Advertising Creative Departments,” Feminists, Feminisms, and Advertising: Some Restrictions Apply, Kim Golombinsky and Peggy Kreshel (eds.), Lexington/Rowman, N.Y.
Grow, Jean M. (2017), “American Advertising and the Politics of Consumption,” Global Advertising Practice in a Borderless World, Robert Crawford and Linda Brennan(eds.), Routledge, N.Y.
Grow, Jean M. (2016), “Advertising Creative and the Pink Ghetto,” Cases in Organizational and Managerial Communication: Stretching Boundaries, Jeremy P. Fyke, Jeralyn Faris & Patricia M. Buzzanell (eds.), Routledge, N.Y.
Roca, David, Daniel Tena and Jean M. Grow, (2014), “Advertising Education in Spain,” Advertising Education Around the World, Jef. I. Richards & Billie I. Ross (eds.), 290-304, American Academy of Advertising, Pittsboro, NC.
Published Proceedings
Haung, Ying, Jean M. Grow, Karen Mallia, Jiang Chingshan, Yang Feng (2016), “Challenges and Opportunities in Teaching Creative Advertising in the Digital Age," Proceedings of the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.
Grow, Jean M., Jackie Dickenson, Tao Deng and Kim Pick (2015), “Practicing Creative Prepared for Leadership: Creative Women in Asia Pacific,” Proceedings of the Conference of the International American Academy of Advertising.
Mensa, Marta and Jean M. Grow (2015), “Machismo Men and Pinkified Women in Peruvian Advertising,” Proceedings of the Conference of the International American Academy of Advertising.
Grow, Jean M., Karen Mallia, Laurence Klinger, Mylene Pollock and Lewis Williams (2015), “Preparing Women and Minorities for Success and Leadership in Creative, Proceedings of the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.
Grow, Jean M., David Roca and Sheri J. Broyles (2010), “Where are the Women? Creative Voices from Spain and the United States.” Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising International Conference.
Broyles, Sheri J. and Jean M. Grow (2010), “Weaving Your Way Through the Creative Labyrinth: Words of Wisdom from Professionals.” Proceedings of the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.
Grow, Jean M. (2007), “Thank You Don Imus: Nike Advertises Social Justice,” Proceedings of the Semiotic Society of America Conference.
Grow, Jean M, Jin Seong Park and Xiaoqi Han (2006), “Peddling Antidepressants: Three Brands One Meaning a Semiotic Analysis of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising,” Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising.
Grow, Jean M. (2005), “Stories of Community: The First Decade of Nike Women’s Advertising,” Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising.
Altstiel, Tom and Grow, Jean M. (2006, 2010, 2013, 2017 with 5th edition in press). Advertising Creative: Strategy, Copy & Design. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Invited Publications
Grow, Jean M. and Tao Deng, (2015), “Tokens in a Man’s World: A Global Analysis of Women in Advertising Creative Departments,” Media Report to Women, Winter, 43/1.
Grow, Jean M., (2008, ‘11 & ‘15), “Nike Women’s Advertising: A Matter of Principle,” in Advertising Principles and Practice, Moriarty, Mitchell & Wells, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 10th ed., p. 255.
Grow, Jean M. (2002), “Hepatitis C: Wisconsin’s Silent Epidemic,” in American Liver Foundation Newsletter, Wisconsin Chapter, 4/2, 4.
Book Reviews
Grow, Jean M. (2015), “Breakthrough Thinking: A Guide to Creative Thinking and Idea Generation” by Thomas Vogel, How Books.
Grow, Jean M. (2013), “Mad Women: The Other Side of Life on Madison Avenue in the '60s and Beyond,” by Jane Maas, for the International Journal of Advertising.
Grow, Jean M. (2008), “Sex in Consumer Culture: The Erotic Content of Media and Marketing,” by Tom Reichert & Jacqueline Lambiase, for the Journal of Advertising Education.
Palestinian American Research Center (PARC) Summer Media Fellowship in Palestine (2018), Washington D.C.
Diversity and Inclusion Faculty Fellow (2016-18), Ӱ. Milwaukee, WI.
Institute Fellow, 2015-16, Institute for Diverse Leadership in Journalism and Communication, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
Fellow in Residence, Summer 2015, “Breaking In: Junior Women in Advertising Creative,” International Women’s Study Center, Santa Fe, NM.
Top Paper Award, 2014, “Tokens in a Man’s World: A Global Analysis of Women in Advertising Creative Departments,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Montreal Canada.
Golden Rose Award, 2013, Ӱ.
Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence (2007), Diederich College of Communication
Summer Faculty Fellowship & Regular Research Grant, 2013, $7,925, “The Under-Representation of Women in Global Advertising Creative Departments.”
Spain Government, Ministry of Science & Innovation, Research Grant,2010-2013 (18,000 Euros), “La Discriminación de Género en la Evaluacióndel Trabajo Creativo de las Mujeres en la Publicidad: ¿El Sexo es un Factor Clave para la Elección de Ideas y Planes de Estudio/Gender Discrimination when Evaluating the Creative Work of Women in Advertising: Is Sex a Key Factor for Choosing Ideas and Curricula?” withUniversidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona Spain.
Catalan Government, Teaching Grant, 2011: (5,000 Euros), “Pensar en Femenino/Think Like a Woman” This teaching grant focuses on working with female students to help them develop their portfolios to break through the gender bias in advertising creative departments, with Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona Spain.
Fulbright Fellowship (2009), “The Gender of Branding in Italy,” (applied, not funded).
Diederich Summer Scholar Award (2009), $7,000, Diederich College of Communication, Ӱ (declined, due to scheduling conflict).
Summer Faculty Fellowship & Regular Research Grant, 2008, $6,556, “Gender Asymmetry in Advertising Creative Departments: Why Mars and Venus are in a Different Universe.”
Summer Faculty Fellowship & Regular Research Grant, 2008 ($6,556).
Peer Reviewed
Deng, Tao and Jean M. Grow (2018), “Five Years of Red Books Reveal Gender Segregation in Advertising Creative Departments Worldwide,” International Communication Association, Prague CZ.
Deng, Tao and Jean M. Grow (2018), “Five Years and Little Change: Tracking Advertising Creative
Women in the United States,” American Academy of Advertising, New York, NY.
Grow, Jean M. and Shiyu Yang (2017), “Aspiring Advertising Professionals: Workplace Expectations Through a Gendered Lens,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL.
Haung, Ying, Jean M. Grow, Karen Mallia, Jiang Chingshan, and Yang Feng (2016), “Challenges and Opportunities Teaching Creative Advertising in the Digital Age," American Academy of Advertising, Seattle, WA.
Sheetal, Patel, Yeuseeung Kim, Jean M. Grow, Karen Mallia, Kat Gordon and Louis Vong (2105), “We Know Why Women Are Not Staying in Advertising, Now What Will We Do About it? Keeping Female Students in the Advertising Industry,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, CA.
Grow, Jean M., Mallia, Karen, Klinger, Laurence, Pollock, Mylene and Williams, Lewis (2015), "Preparing Women and Minorities for Success and Leadership in Creative," American Academy of Advertising, Chicago, IL.
Mensa, Marta and Grow, Jean M. (2015), "Machismo Men and Pinkified Women: Creative Women in Peruvian Advertising," American Academy of Advertising, International Converence, Auckland New Zealand.
Grow, Jean M., Dickenson, Jackie and Deng, Tao (2015), "Practicing Creative Prepared for Leadership: Creative Women in Asia Pacific," American Academy of Advertising, International Conference, Auckland New Zealand.
Grow, Jean M. (2014), "Creative Women in Sweden Advertising and the Case of Systemic Scarcity," Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, International Conference, Montreal Canada.
Grow, Jean M. and Deng, Tao (2014), "Tokens in a Man's World: A Global Analysis of Women in Advertising Creative Departments," Top Paper, Professional Freedom and Responsibility, Advertising Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, International Conference, Montreal Canada.
Grow, Jean M. and Madry, Alan (2013), "Contemplative Practices: Creating Opportunities for Deeper Reflection," ACHME Annual Conference, Amherst College.
Grow, Jean M. (2013), “Making Advertising: Creative Women, Global Perspectives,” Wisconsin Women's Studies and LGBTQ Conference, Madison, WI.
Grow, Jean M. and Tao Deng (2013), “Tokens in a Man’s World: Creative Women and Global Advertising,” International Education Poster Session, Ӱ.
Grow, Jean M. (2012), “Voices of Creative Women: Six Countries, One Experience” International Education Poster Session, Ӱ.
Grow, Jean M., David Roca and Sheri J. Broyles (2012), “Creative Women at the Margins: A Cross-Cultural Perspective,” ICORIA European Advertising Academy, International Conference on Research in Advertising, Stockholm Sweden.
Grow, Jean M., Pasero, Anne and Ellen Eckman (2011) “Market Global: Faculty Engagement in International Education” Global Education Conference: Across Disciplines, Madison WI.
Flewellen Kali J., Sheri J. Broyles and Jean M. Grow (2011) “Women to Watch Speak Out: Looking Behind the Curtain of Mentoring, Networking and Gender.” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, MO.
Grow, Jean M., David Roca and Sheri J. Broyles (2010), “Where Are the Women? Creative Voices from Spain and the United States.” American Academy of Advertising, International Conference, Milan Italy.
Broyles, Sheri J. and Jean M. Grow (2010). “Making the Connection: Creative Women Talk about Empathy, Creativity and Gender.” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Denver, CO.
Broyles, Sheri .J. and Jean M. Grow (2010), “Weaving Your Way Through the Creative Labyrinth: Words of Wisdom from Professionals,” American Academy of Advertising, Minneapolis, MN.
Grow, Jean M. and Sheri J. Broyles (2009), “Insights from Venus for Academic Creative Directors,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston, MA.
Grow, Jean M. and Sheri J. Broyles (2008), “Mars & Venus in the Advertising Universe:
How Working Together Can Work,” Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL.
Grow, Jean M. (2018, May 22) “Few Women in Advertising Creative Departments Worldwide: A Five Year Longitudinal Study of Red Books Data." Dutch Women in Media sponsored by, Amsterdam the Netherlands
Grow, Jean M. (2018, May 16), “Five Years of Red Books Data on Women in Advertising Creative Departments Worldwide." Centre for Gender Research, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway.
Grow, Jean M. (2017, June 1), Keynote: “The Pursuit of Happiness: The Politics of Consumption Meets the Digital Age." Research Institute for Digital Culture and Humanities, Hong Kong.
Jean M. Grow (2015, June 12), “Creative Women: Breaking into the Boys Club." 3% Conference, advertising industry conference, London, UK.
Grow, Jean M. (2013, June 26), "Creative Path to Success." iGirl Girl Scout Keynote address, Milwaukee, WI.
Grow, Jean M. (2012, Sept. 27), "Creative Women. Global Perspectives." 3% Conference, advertising industry conference, San Francisco, CA.
Grow, Jean M. (2012), "Global Advertising Creative Departments: The Under-Representation of Women." International Research Poster Session, Ӱ, Milwaukee, WI.
Grow, Jean M. (2011), "Self Branding in an Intercultural World," YoungSIETAR, 12th annual conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Zora Neale Hurston once said, "Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose." Marquette allows me to poke and pry, not just in my research but in the classroom as well.