Below is information regarding surveys given by various co-curricular departments. If you are interested in the actual data from the survey or want to know more about the survey, please contact the survey administrator, whose names are listed at the bottom of these summary documents.


Campus Ministry

Participation Spreadsheet: data on students involved in Campus Ministry programs

Community Service

President's Honor Roll: Data on students involved in community service at Marquette.

Counseling Center

Clinical Appointment Data/Center for Collegiate Mental Health Benchmark: Data is gathered from all students engaging in clinical services at the Counseling Center.

ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Medical Clinic

ACHA-National College Health Assessment II: national research survey organized by the American
College Health Association (ACHA) to assist college health service providers, health educators, counselors, and administrators in collecting data about their students' habits, behaviors, and perceptions on the most prevalent health topics./p>

CORE Institute Alcohol & Drug Survey: The Core Alcohol and Drug Survey was developed to measure alcohol and other drug usage, attitudes, and perceptions among college students at two and four-year institutions

Office of Disability Services

Demographic Data: Student demographic and service utilization data.

Student Satisfaction Survey: Data on satisfaction with procedures and services used to assess clients' needs.

Office of International Education

Faculty-led Study Abroad Feedback: Student assessment of faculty-led study abroad programs.

Study Abroad Advising Survey: Data on study abroad advising experience as a whole.

Study Abroad Re-Entry Program Evaluation Survey: Student feedback on their study abroad program.

Pre-Departure Preparation Study Abroad Survey: Data on students’ future plans regarding study abroad, including goals and intended programs to gain a broad picture of each individuals’ readiness and dedication to the experience.

Office of Institutional Research & Analysis

First-time, First Year Student Survey: Data on students’ experiences before college, their expectations for Marquette, their concerns, and the activities in which they would like to get involved.

Graduating Senior Survey: Data on graduating seniors’ satisfaction with their academic experience and overall Marquette education, engagement in co-curricular learning experiences at Marquette, perceived impact of their education on institutional learning outcomes, experiences with key mission and identity objectives of the university, and plans for the immediate future.

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE): Data from first-year and senior students about their participation in activities and programs that promote their learning and development.

Undergraduate Alumni Survey: Data on post-graduation outcomes of recent ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ undergraduate alumni.

Undergraduate First Destination Survey: Data on the employment and enrollment in graduate/professional school activities of recent bachelor’s degree recipients with the goal of estimating post-graduation outcomes rates.

Academic Resource Center

Post Evaluation Survey: Brief survey detailing information for students to fill out after their meeting in the Academic Resource Center.

Tutoring Evaluation Survey: Data on students' experiences with tutoring.